If you are in need of any of the following parts, we are here to assist you. Simply fill out our parts request form by clicking here, and we will promptly send those parts to you:
- Handle screws (T6 torx)
- Pocket clip and screws (T6 torx)
- Male portion of pivot screw (T10 or T8 for balisongs)
- Thumb stud (if applicable, T6 torx)
We understand that sometimes parts may go missing or need replacement, and we want to ensure that you have everything you need to keep your Benchmade knife in optimal condition. If you are missing any of the parts listed above, please click the link above and fill out the provide parts request form, and we will expedite the process to get those parts to you as soon as possible.
We also want to emphasize that if you are not comfortable replacing any of the aforementioned parts yourself, you are always welcome to send your knife in as part of our warranty or Lifesharp service. Our skilled team will take care of any necessary part replacements during the service, ensuring your knife is in top-notch condition.
At Benchmade, we are committed to providing exceptional support and service to our customers. Whether you prefer to handle the parts replacement yourself or opt for our warranty or Lifesharp service, we are here to assist you every step of the way. If you have any further questions or require additional guidance, please do not hesitate to reach out to our customer service team.