This can be tricky as we have several different avenues for our products. For the most par they fit into 3 buckets. This would be Custom knife, Personalized knife and then production model.
Custom Knife Production Time: 5-10 business days before shipment
- knives that you make all the selections from handle color, blade steel and engraving
- Example: Bugout with Purple handles and yellow thumb lugs
Personalized Knife order: 5-8 business days before shipment
- Adding engraving to a production model knife. This can be done on any Benchmade knife.
- Example: Bugout that you click "Personalize" under the "add to cart" button and you add engraving.
Production model: 1-2 business days before shipment
- When you add a standard model to your cart and check out.
- Example: Clicking add to cart on a Bugout knife that does not have ANY customized colors or engraving
You are also welcome to check your individual order through your account by clicking the silhouette in the top right of You are also welcome to email us at with your order number (will start with 1100) ready. If your order number does not start with 1100 it was not purchased from us.